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Show Ideas/Interview Questions

Show Ideas

This is just a small list of possible show and article ideas.  Contact FAC Productions and Tamika can come up with more ideas for you and even produce a series of articles for your publication or broadcast.

(More Show Ideas Coming Soon!)



·        Teen Dating Violence…Is this really an issue?

·        Teen Dating Violence…A Growing Epidemic

·        Recognizing and breaking the cycle of violence.



·        How can I tell if I’m in an abusive relationship?

·        Healthy vs. Unhealthy Relationships how can I tell the difference?

·        How do I recognize abusive partners?

·        How can I avoid abusive relationships?

·    What's the 411 about my rights in a dating relationship?


Parents, Professionals, and other Adults:

·        I think my teen may be in an abusive relationship, how do I handle this?

·        How do I speak to my teen about dating violence?

·        When bullying stops being “child’s play.”

·        When the bully leaves elementary school: examining the bully in middle and high school.



(For a list of Tamika's pageant experience, click on the Pageant Coaching link)

·        Pageants...are they about beauty or brains?

·        Should children be involved in pageantry?


Interview Questions


·         What motivated you to write this book?

·         Explain the title, He Loves Me Not, but I Love Myself!

·         So how does this book work, is this book only for victims of dating violence?

·         How can teens, parents, and other adults use this book?

·         You talk a lot about being a conqueror of dating violence, why don’t you use the word survivor?


·         What are some signs of an abusive relationship?

·         What is the difference between unhealthy behavior and abusive behavior?

·         What tips do you have for teens who have friends in abusive relationships?


Parents, Professionals, and other Adults:

·         Is this book only for teens, or can adults benefit from its contents?

·         How can parents and other adults use this book to connect with the young people in their lives?

·         You are not a licensed counselor, why should parents and other adults listen to you?

·         What tips do you have for parents and other adults who want to speak to their teen about dating violence?


Pageant Related Questions:

·         Why did you decide to enter your first pageant?

·         Have pageants changed you? How so?

·         What are some benefits of pageants?

·         What are some of the pitfalls involved in pageantry?

·         When do you think children should begin pageant competition?

Tamika Johnson
Leading Lady Enterprises
P.O. Box 35, Worton, MD 21678
Website Created and Maintained by Tamika Johnson
All content of this Internet site (including design; information; audio; video; photographs and graphics elements) are copyrighted by Tamika Johnson/Leading Lady Enterprises. Information herein may not be reproduced, transmitted, rebroadcast, published, rewritten or distributed in any form without the expressed written consent of Tamika Johnson/Leading Lady Enterprises